How Inflation Could Make or Break Your Finances in the 2023 Tax Season

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Without fail, inflation is a consistent economic issue that impacts almost every aspect of our lives financially. As prices continue to go up, our purchasing power diminishes, with far-reaching consequences, including the impact on your taxes. As inflation continues to make headlines, it’s crucial to understand how it can affect your tax liability and financial planning.

Bracket Creep

One of the most direct ways inflation can affect your taxes is through a phenomenon we call “bracket creep.” Tax brackets are often adjusted for inflation to keep you, the taxpayer, from being pushed into higher tax brackets solely from rising wages and inflation-adjusted income. However, these adjustments are not always perfectly aligned with actual inflation rates. If the adjustments fall behind the pace of inflation, you may find yourself in higher tax brackets than you would have been in a lower-inflation environment. This means you’ll pay a higher percentage of your income in taxes, reducing your overall purchasing power.

Capital Gains Taxes

Capital gains taxes can also be influenced by inflation. When you sell an asset, such as stocks or real estate, you’re susceptible to capital gains tax on the profit. However, if your asset has appreciated in value from inflation rather than real economic growth, you could end up owing more in taxes than you should. To address this concern, some tax systems allow for indexing the cost basis of assets to inflation. This adjustment helps lessen the tax burden on gains attributed to inflation rather than real investment returns. You’ll want to stay informed about the specific tax laws in your jurisdiction to take advantage of such provisions if they exist.

Deductions and Credits

Inflation can indirectly affect tax deductions and credits. Some deductions and credits have fixed dollar amounts or income thresholds that are not indexed for inflation. So when the cost of living rises, these deductions and credits lose their real value. For example, a tax credit that once covered a significant portion of your child’s education expenses may no longer offer the same relief as tuition costs go up. Staying informed about the specific deductions and credits available to you and their adjusted values can help you make the most of your tax benefits.

Estate Taxes

Inflation can impact estate taxes, affecting the wealth transfer between generations. The good news is, that the estate tax exemption amount is often adjusted for inflation, which can lead to higher exemption levels. A higher exemption means that more estates can pass on assets without incurring estate tax. This valuable adjustment can be especially pertinent for those with significant assets and large estates. Keeping an eye on estate tax rules and exemptions is crucial for effective estate planning.

Inflation is a dynamic economic force that affects our daily lives and financial planning in various ways, including its impact on taxes. In 2023, as we navigate an uncertain economic landscape, it’s vital to stay informed about how inflation may affect your tax liability and financial goals for your future.

To mitigate the impact of inflation on taxes, consider working with a financial advisor or tax professional, like Corporate Capital, Inc., who can help you develop a tax-efficient strategy tailored to your unique circumstances. Additionally, staying updated on changes to tax laws and regulations is essential to making informed financial decisions and ensuring your financial stability in the face of inflationary pressures.

Call Today!

Our experienced financial professionals in Las Vegas, NV, are eager to help you navigate the 2023 tax season. We offer effective tax strategies to help you keep more of what you earn. Please call 855-371-0070 to learn more!